CMPA and reflux!

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The latter is quite well-known, but the former; not so much. What on earth is CMPA, I hear you cry? Yes, I was exactly the same a few months ago, but since my youngest daughter Natalie has been diagnosed with CMPA along with other allergies; I had to learn pretty quickly.

CMPA stands for Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy, which mainly just suggests an allergy to Dairy. However, as with a lot of CMPA babies, Natalie is allergic to other foods too. Because I’m breastfeeding, Natalie has reacted to certain foods that I’ve eaten, which have gone through to my breast milk. In order to continue feeding, I’ve completely eliminated these foods from my diet. I’m currently Dairy Free, Soya Free, Egg Free, Nut Free, Mustard Free, Strawberry Free, Quinoa Free and Oat Free and I also avoid anything like nectarine/peaches/raspberries/kiwis as this also seems to trigger a reaction, although not as severe.

It took a while to figure out what was happening and to get the right support. I thought it would be helpful to document this and share our journey in various blog posts and how we came to our diagnosis in the hope that it might help other Mummies and babies. Also, should you wish to do so, I can help show you that you can breastfeed on an elimination/limited diet and also breastfeed a reflux baby. This first post is all about our diagnosis.

Continue reading “CMPA and reflux!”

Breastfeeding in Public…and what to say if someone disapproves…

When it comes to feeding in public, I don’t see my breasts as a sexual thing. They’re just another part of my body. But what can you say if you are ever challenged? I think I’ve come up with an idea… Continue reading “Breastfeeding in Public…and what to say if someone disapproves…”


Last week was National Breastfeeding Week and so I thought I’d write about how I feed my babies – I Breastfeed!

Firstly, I’d like to say that I’m a massive advocate for breastfeeding but I’m a bigger advocate for women’s mental health, particularly after having a baby. Lots of Mummies get the baby blues and I know Mummies who feel guilty or sad about not being able to breastfeed. So if it didn’t work out; don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re already managing to keep a little person alive, so cut yourself some slack!

Continue reading “Breastfeeding! “